Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthing into the blogosphere

Well, I've gone and done it.  I've created a blog.  The truth is, until recently, I've always had somewhat of mild distain for exactly the type of blog I've endeavored to publish.  Idle ramblings, rare creative moments, a small voice calling out into the ethereal void.  At best a lone synaptic flare penetrating into the collective unconscious, stirring an idea, a thought, perhaps even an emotion, in some distant other.  Of course, that makes the grand assumption that anyone save myself graces their eyes upon this page.  Is anything I have to share really that important?  Probably not, but I imagine that like beauty that choice rests with the beholder.  So, though I profess to be no sage, unwise beyond my years, I've come to share my idle ramblings and inspired moments.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, It looks like you and I share many interests (even telemarking) secular and otherwise. You have much more facility with words than me though.

    Keep at it friend,

    Joseph Saraceno
